Are you struggling to reach your weight loss goals? Maybe you've tried fad
diets, meal plans, etc. Maybe you want that extra "boost", but don't
want to take a medication.
This program utilizes supplements that reduce inflammation in the gut,
support metabolism, and mimic the positive effects (like increased satiety) of the GLP-1 (weight loss) medications, but without the side effects!
What does the program entail?
· 8 weeks total (week 1 will be the "detox" week, followed by 7 weeks of
a weight loss supplement)
· A private Facebook group for ongoing support, sharing recipes, etc
· A weekly 45-min Zoom call with a Registered Dietitian for education and guidance for optimal and sustainable weight loss
(these will be recorded if you are unable to participate live)
· Recipes that the whole family can enjoy
· Meal planning strategies
· Weekly goal-setting (nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle goals)
· Time for Q&A
Added Bonus - continued 25% discount on weight loss supplements
This is a $785 value for only $297!
(Includes supplements which are a $265 value)
***Use coupon code THRIVE for your discount***